industrial cleaning

What makes you different is what attracts…

“Customers.” Your uniqueness is the key to attracting customers. Og Mandino is the bestselling author of, The Greatest Salesman in the World. One of its topics is the difference that you offer as a professional.   It’s true that what you put into your business is the key to being your best, your ability to uniquely solve problems and stand in a true competitive advantage. Beacon Industrial Services provides flexibility in its range of solutions […]

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Don’t let your facility to get over exhausted because…

Because most exhaust cleaning is overlooked. Your exhaust system is critical to the removal of odors, many contaminants and impurities that leave the air unhealthy or the system overtaxed. Often, it’s the classic case of “sight unseen.” That’s why Beacon Industrial Services can provide a proactive maintenance approach that alleviates dirty exhaust systems.   The longer your system remains unattended the more contaminants build up with grease, grime, and other forms of debris, all eventually […]

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The power of uniqueness and preparedness.

Isn’t it interesting how commodity thinking can become a way for a business to select an industrial cleaning service? In other words there is a belief that industrial cleaning services are pretty much the same. In fact they are not at all the same. Even if two companies have the same equipment, same amount of trucks and people and processes, they are not the same. Industrial environments require cleaning expertise   Equipment and processes really […]

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Customer Quality, and why it’s … important.

When it comes to industrial cleaning services, there are many factors needed to work together in order to maintain customer confidence and strong relationships. One of the main components to this include building trusted relationships from many aspects: Superb pre-planning with the customer. Getting equipment and machinery back in operation. Preventing downtime due to poor maintenance. Knowing a facility well enough to be efficient. Offering preventative maintenance programs. These actions are vital to any successful […]

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best industrial cleaning service

The country works when the trades work

This year Beacon Industrial Services is donating to the Mike Rowe WORKS Foundation on behalf of our customers. One of the great things they do is offer Work Ethic Scholarships. This year they planned to give away $1,000,000.00 in scholarships but have upped it to $1,500,000.00. They tout the importance of work ethic, personal responsibility, delayed gratification, and a positive attitude. Mike Rowe puts it best: Over the last 30 years, America has convinced itself […]

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Cooling Tower Cleaning

What are your vendors doing to ease inflation?

Every business must deal with the challenges that inflation brings. Some of the ways business is affected starts with rising costs of goods and shortage of materials and products. This leads to production delays and lessens revenue. Further, it hits cash flow and purchasing power.   Inflation is a major concern and requires detailed and attentive alertness. Depending on a company’s size and market position, some are in a position to simply adjust by raising […]

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The value of single source

As always, the industrial marketplace continues to bring new challenges and opportunities to business. In terms of opportunity, one of the ways Beacon Industrial Services adds value to its customers is the single-source approach. When we provide single source industrial cleaning solutions to a company, the result is savings and convenience, two factors every business seeks. As we continue to service your company, we become familiar with operations, spaces, and places. This streamlines service at less […]

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Your Business is Important to us: Really?

“Your business is very important to us; a team member will be with you shortly.” That pleasant, recorded voice has now repeated the message for the fifth time and you’ve now been on hold for 7 minutes (maybe longer). Then you have the “Your call is very important to us.” You’ve heard those words more often than you care to remember. Then the automated attendant asks for your account number and sometimes the last four […]

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A Different and Vital Approach to Empowerment

Empowerment? Yes. And we don’t mean only for our employees, we mean our customers. Think about it. When we work in a facility, that company’s work depends on how well their equipment functions when we are done or how fast we can get it back in operation. That’s empowering the customer. Terms like empowerment have often been relegated to the “soft measure,” but there’s nothing soft about a company’s ability to be productive. Yes, that’s […]

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Name Dropping or Validation

We all know that a business cannot exist without loyal customers. What is it that supports customer loyalty? Consistent service solutions, proper pricing, relationship, anticipating challenges and many other customer-first factors. That’s a commitment that’s good for both Beacon Industrial Services and our customers.  When these factors are in place, solid relationships come about. The customer logos on our website help put a face on our service. They help show the value in a business […]

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